On this page:
Find “teaching moments” in your everyday life.
Ask questions. Encourage your child to ask them, too.
Respect your child.
Make clear rules.
Teach your child how to say “no.”
What if my child is already using drugs or alcohol?
Start talking. Keep talking.
We understand that talking with your teen about alcohol and drug use isn’t easy. If you are struggling to start a conversation about substance use with your child, you aren’t alone.
Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is that you are your child’s most valuable resource when it comes to preventing substance use. Research backs it up: teens whose parents talk to them often about substance use are less likely to use drugs or drink alcohol.
Just remember, there is help. Here are some basic tips to get you started:
Find “teaching moments” in your everyday life.
- Start a conversation about substance use when you and your child see a character on a TV show or in a movie drinking alcohol or using drugs.
- Give your child examples of drug and alcohol use that hit close to home. If you know that your child’s classmate was caught using drugs, bring it up with him right away. Talk about the consequences. Ask your child how he feels about the situation.
- Talk about celebrities or athletes who are having drug or alcohol problems. This is a great way to start a conversation with a teen. For example, you can ask your child what he thinks about Lindsay Lohan’s struggles with substance use.
Ask questions. Encourage your child to ask them, too.
- Ask open-ended questions that will get your child talking about what she knows and how she feels about drug and alcohol use. For example, “Is there anything you’d like to ask me about when it comes to drugs and alcohol?” Try not to ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no.
- Tell your child that you will do your best to answer any questions she has, and that you want to know what’s on her mind.
- If you don’t know the answer to a question your child asks, don’t panic! Use the moment as an opportunity to find out the answer together.
- Be prepared to deal with tough questions. Parents are often thrown by questions like, “Have you ever done drugs?” or “But I see you drink alcohol, so why can’t I?” Think about how to answer questions like these in advance.
Respect your child.
- Make sure your child has your attention. Turn off the television and put away your cell phone.
- Choose a time and a place that’s comfortable for your child to talk.
- Listen to your child. Let him talk, and respond to what he says. Remember not to “talk at” him or make him feel judged.
Make clear rules.
- Tell your child that drug or alcohol use won’t be tolerated.
- Explain to your child that you are making rules to keep her safe.
- Be clear about the consequences of breaking the rules in advance.
- Acknowledge when your child is following the rules by praising her.
Teach your child how to say “no.”
- Role-play with your child. Set up a situation where your child is at a party and someone offers him drugs or alcohol. Help him practice saying “no.”
- Give your child resources that give examples of different ways to turn down drugs or alcohol.
- Talk with your child about peer pressure.
Remember, the first conversation you have with your child should never be the last. Once you’ve started talking, it’s your job to make sure you keep talking.
What if my child is already using drugs or alcohol?
Dealing with a teen who has a drug or alcohol problem is one of the most difficult situations a parent can face.
Try to remember that there is help — and hope.
- Use this tool to locate drug and alcohol treatment programs.
- Connect with other parents dealing with substance use.
- Call the Parents Helpline at 1-855-DRUGFREE today.
- Go through this checklist to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, too.
- For adolescents seeking help to quit Juuling: 1-800-QUIT-NOW or or
- Local treatment facility, Swift River Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Cummington, MA more important resources for parents with children who are using at:
Find help — SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
NPC Tool Kit: NPC created a toolkit for parents of Middle and High School aged children with tips on how to better communication with children and their friends’ families. The Tool kit also includes resources to turn to for help as well as information on child brain development, the Social Host Law, and how to help kids delay or avoid substance use. Spanish version is available here.
Power to the Parent: A web resource for parents on what to be on the look out for in regards to youth substance use: Alcohol, marijuana, vaping, etc. and how to have productive conversations with youth and how to set fair consequences around substance use.
Featured: Hampshire_Franklin_NorthQuabbin Resource Guide June 2017
A publication listing treatment centers for Hampshire, Franklin, and the North Quabbin region created through the partnership of the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office, Cooley Dickenson Health Care, Opioid Task Force, Hampshire Hope, Baystate Health, and Quaboag Hills Community Coalition.
Featured: Parenting Transgender Youth in Western MA
A publication of Community Action Youth Programs and Northampton Prevention Coalition: A guide for parents, guardians, and supportive adults. You are not alone.
Featured: Marijuana Talk Kit
What you need to have meaningful, productive conversations with your teen talk about marijuana from The Partnership at
Featured: Contract Templates for Teens and Their Parents
Parent, Child, and Friends Agreement
Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Contract for Teens
Featured: Tips from the Keep Kids Drug Free Foundation
Talking with Kids about Alcohol and Drugs
Signs and Symptoms of Teen Drinking or Drug Abuse
Risk Factors and Protective Factors that Influence Youth
#1 Tip for Raising Healthy Kids
- How Parents Can Prevent Drug Abuse — The National Crime Prevention Council
- Kids and Alcohol — Nemours
- Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol — National Institutes of Health
- NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator
- Parents: The Anti-Drug — National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
- Real Kids Are Curious About Alcohol — Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- STOP Underage Drinking — U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Blog — Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services
- Talking to Your Child About Drugs — Nemours
- Talking with Teens about Alcohol — Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
- Talking with Your Middle Schooler about Alcohol — Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
- Time to Talk — The Partnership at
- The Parent Toolkit — The Partnership at
Check out this blog about teen substance abuse — written for parents by parents.